In This Drawing Of The Lac Operon, Which Molecule Is An Inactive Repressor?
Research Article
Predictive shifts in free energy couple mutations to their phenotypic consequences
, Manuel Razo-Mejia, View ORCID ProfileNathan M. Belliveau, View ORCID ProfileTal Einav, Zofii A. Kaczmarek, Stephanie L. Barnes, Mitchell Lewis, and View ORCID ProfileRob Phillips
- aDepartment of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125;
- bDepartment of Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125;
- cDepartment of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19104
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Edited by Ned S. Wingreen, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, and accepted by Editorial Board Member David Baker July 29, 2019 (received for review May 15, 2019)
We present a biophysical model of allosteric transcriptional regulation that directly links the location of a mutation within a repressor to the biophysical parameters that describe its behavior. We explore the phenotypic space of a repressor with mutations in either the inducer binding or DNA binding domains. Using the LacI repressor in Escherichia coli, we make sharp, falsifiable predictions and use this framework to generate a null hypothesis for how double mutants behave, given knowledge of the single mutants. Linking mutations to the parameters which govern the system allows for quantitative predictions of how the free energy of the system changes as a result, permitting coarse graining of high-dimensional data into a single-parameter description of the mutational consequences.
Mutation is a critical mechanism by which evolution explores the functional landscape of proteins. Despite our ability to experimentally inflict mutations at will, it remains difficult to link sequence-level perturbations to systems-level responses. Here, we present a framework centered on measuring changes in the free energy of the system to link individual mutations in an allosteric transcriptional repressor to the parameters which govern its response. We find that the energetic effects of the mutations can be categorized into several classes which have characteristic curves as a function of the inducer concentration. We experimentally test these diagnostic predictions using the well-characterized LacI repressor of Escherichia coli, probing several mutations in the DNA binding and inducer binding domains. We find that the change in gene expression due to a point mutation can be captured by modifying only the model parameters that describe the respective domain of the wild-type protein. These parameters appear to be insulated, with mutations in the DNA binding domain altering only the DNA affinity and those in the inducer binding domain altering only the allosteric parameters. Changing these subsets of parameters tunes the free energy of the system in a way that is concordant with theoretical expectations. Finally, we show that the induction profiles and resulting free energies associated with pairwise double mutants can be predicted with quantitative accuracy given knowledge of the single mutants, providing an avenue for identifying and quantifying epistatic interactions.
- transcriptional regulation
- allostery
- statistical mechanics
- biophysics
- mutation
Thermodynamic treatments of transcriptional regulation have been fruitful in their ability to generate quantitative predictions of gene expression as a function of a minimal set of physically meaningful parameters (1⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓–13). These models quantitatively describe numerous properties of input–output functions, such as the leakiness, saturation, dynamic range, steepness of response, and [
We first present a theoretical framework for understanding how mutations in the repressor affect different parameters and alter the free energy of the system. The multidimensional parameter space of the aforementioned thermodynamic models is highly degenerate, with multiple combinations of parameter values yielding the same phenotypic response. This degeneracy can be subsumed into the free energy of the system, transforming the input–output function into a 1-dimensional description with the form of a Fermi function (14, 15). We find that the parameters capturing the allosteric nature of the repressor, the repressor copy number, and the DNA binding specificity contribute independently to the free energy of the system with different degrees of sensitivity. Furthermore, changes restricted to 1 of these 3 groups of parameters result in characteristic changes in the free energy relative to the wild-type repressor, providing falsifiable predictions of how different classes of mutations should behave.
Next, we test these descriptions experimentally using the well-characterized transcriptional repressor of the lac operon LacI in Escherichia coli regulating expression of a fluorescent reporter. We introduce a series of point mutations in either the inducer binding or DNA binding domain. We then measure the full induction profile of each mutant, determine the minimal set of parameters that are affected by the mutation, and predict how each mutation tunes the free energy at different inducer concentrations, repressor copy numbers, and DNA binding strengths. We find in general that mutations in the DNA binding domain only influence DNA binding strength and that mutations within the inducer binding domain affect only the parameters which dictate the allosteric response. The degree to which these parameters are insulated is notable, as the very nature of allostery suggests that all parameters are intimately connected, thus enabling binding events at one domain to be "sensed" by another.
With knowledge of how a collection of DNA binding and inducer binding single mutants behave, we predict the induction profiles and the free-energy changes of pairwise double mutants with quantitative accuracy. We find that the energetic effects of each individual mutation are additive, indicating that epistatic interactions are absent between the mutations examined here. Our model provides a means for identifying and quantifying the extent of epistatic interactions in a more complex set of mutations and can shed light on how the protein sequence and general regulatory architecture coevolve.
This work considers the inducible simple repression regulatory motif (depicted in Fig. 1A) from a thermodynamic perspective which has been thoroughly dissected and tested experimentally (4, 6, 10). While we direct the reader to SI Appendix, SI Text for a complete derivation, the result of this extensive theory–experiment dialogue is a succinct input–output function (schematized in Fig. 1B) that computes the fold change in gene expression relative to an unregulated promoter. This function is of the form
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Fig. 1.
A predictive framework for phenotypic and energetic dissection of the simple repression motif. (A) The inducible simple repression architecture. When in the active state, the repressor (gray) binds the cognate operator sequence of the DNA (red box) with high specificity, preventing transcription by occluding binding of the RNA polymerase to the promoter (blue rectangle). Upon addition of an inducer molecule, the inactive state becomes energetically preferable, and the repressor no longer binds the operator sequence with appreciable specificity. Once unbound from the operator, binding of the RNA polymerase (blue) is no longer blocked, and transcription can occur. (B) The simple repression input–output function for an allosteric repressor with 2 inducer binding sites. The key parameters are identified in speech bubbles. (C) The fold change in gene expression collapses as a function of the free energy. C, Top shows measurements of the fold change in gene expression as a function of inducer concentration from Razo-Mejia et al. (2018) (10). Points and errors correspond to the mean and SEM of at least 10 biological replicates. The thin lines represent the line of best fit given the model shown in B. This model can be rewritten as a Fermi function with an energetic parameter F, which is the energetic difference between the repressor bound and unbound states of the promoter, schematized in C, Middle. The points in C, Bottom correspond to the data shown in C, Top collapsed onto a master curve defined by their calculated free energy F. The solid black line is the master curve defined by the Fermi function shown in C, Middle.
A key feature of Eqs. 1 and 2 is that the diverse phenomenology of the gene-expression induction profile can be collapsed onto a single master curve by rewriting the input–output function in terms of the free energy F [also called the Bohr parameter (16)],
Assuming that a given mutation does not result in a nonfunctional protein, it is reasonable to say that any or all of the parameters in Eq. 1 can be affected by the mutation, changing the observed induction profile and therefore the free energy. To examine how the free energy of a mutant F (mut) differs from that of the wild-type F (wt), we define
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Fig. 2.
Parametric changes due to mutations and the corresponding free-energy changes for (A) perturbations to
The first term in Eq. 5 is the log ratio of the probability of a mutant repressor being active relative to the wild type at a given inducer concentration c. This quantity defines how changes to any of the allosteric parameters—such as inducer binding constants
It is important to note that for a mutation which perturbs only the inducer binding constants, the dependence of
The second term in Eq. 5 captures how changes in the repressor copy number contribute to changes in free energy. It is important to note that this contribution to the free-energy change depends on the total number of repressors in the cell, not just those in the active state. This emphasizes that changes in the expression of the repressor are energetically divorced from changes to the allosteric nature of the repressor. As a consequence, the change in free energy is constant for all inducer concentrations, as is schematized in Fig. 2C. Because the magnitude of the change in free energy scales logarithmically with changing repressor copy number, a mutation which increases expression from 1 to 10 repressors per cell is more impactful from an energetic standpoint (
The third and final term in Eq. 5 is the difference in the DNA binding energy between the mutant and wild-type repressors. All else being equal, if the mutated state binds more tightly to the DNA than the wild type (
The unique behavior of each quantity in Eq. 5 and its sensitivity with respect to the parameters makes
DNA Binding Domain Mutations.
With this arsenal of analytic diagnostics, we can begin to explore the mutational space of the repressor and map these mutations to the biophysical parameters they control. As one of the most thoroughly studied transcription factors, LacI has been subjected to numerous crystallographic and mutational studies (19⇓ ⇓–22). One such work generated a set of point mutations in the LacI repressor and examined the diversity of the phenotypic response to different allosteric effectors (5). However, several experimental variables were unknown, precluding precise calculation of
We made 3 amino acid substitutions (Y17I, Q18A, and Q18M) that are critical for the DNA–repressor interaction. These mutations were introduced into the lacI sequence used in Garcia and Phillips (2011) (4) with 4 different ribosomal binding site sequences that were shown (via quantitative Western blotting) to tune the wild-type repressor copy number across 3 orders of magnitude. These mutant constructs were integrated into the E. coli chromosome harboring a yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) reporter. The YFP promoter included the native O2 LacI operator sequence, which the wild-type LacI repressor binds with high specificity (
A naïve hypothesis for the effect of a mutation in the DNA binding domain is that only the DNA binding energy is affected. This hypothesis appears to contradict the core principle of allostery in that ligand binding in one domain influences binding in another, suggesting that changing any parameter modifies them all. The characteristic curves summarized in Fig. 2 give a means to discriminate between these 2 hypotheses by examining the change in the free energy. Using a single induction profile (open points in Fig. 3), we estimated the DNA binding energy using Bayesian inferential methods, the details of which are thoroughly discussed in Materials and Methods as well as SI Appendix, SI Text. The shaded red region for each mutant in Fig. 3 represents the 95% credible region of this fit, whereas all other shaded regions are 95% credible regions of the predictions for other repressor copy numbers. We find that redetermining only the DNA binding energy accurately captures the majority of the induction profiles, indicating that other parameters are unaffected. One exception is for the lowest repressor copy numbers (
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Fig. 3.
Induction profiles and free-energy differences of DNA binding domain mutations. Each column corresponds to the highlighted mutant at the top of the figure. Each strain was paired with the native O2 operator sequence. Open points correspond to the strain for each mutant from which the DNA binding energy was estimated. (A) Induction profiles of each mutant at 4 different repressor copy numbers as a function of the inducer concentration. Points correspond to the mean fold change in gene expression of 6–10 biological replicates. Error bars are the SEM. Shaded regions demarcate the 95% credible region of the induction profile generated by the estimated DNA binding energy. (B) Data collapse of all points for each mutant shown in A using only the DNA binding energy estimated from a single repressor copy number. Points correspond to the average fold change in gene expression of 6–10 biological replicates. Error bars are SEM. Where error bars are not visible, the relative error in measurement is smaller than the size of the marker. (C) The change in the free energy resulting from each mutation as a function of the inducer concentration. Points correspond to the median of the marginal posterior distribution for the free energy. Error bars represent the upper and lower bounds of the 95% credible region. Points in A at the detection limits of the flow cytometer (near fold-change values of 0 and 1) were neglected for calculation of the
Mutations Y17I and Q18A both weaken the affinity of the repressor to the DNA relative to the wild-type strain with binding energies of
Using the new DNA binding energies, we can collapse all measurements of fold change as a function of the free energy, as shown in Fig. 3B. This allows us to test the diagnostic power of the decomposition of the free energy described in Fig. 2. To compute the
The change in free energy for each mutant is shown in Fig. 3C. It can be seen that the
Inducer Binding Domain Mutations.
Much as in the case of the DNA binding mutants, we cannot safely assume a priori that a given mutation in the inducer binding domain affects only the inducer binding constants
We made 4 point mutations within the inducer binding domain of LacI (F161T, Q291V, Q291R, and Q291K) that have been shown to alter binding to multiple allosteric effectors (5). In contrast to the DNA binding domain mutants, we paired the inducer binding domain mutations with the 3 native LacI operator sequences (which have various affinities for the repressor) and a single ribosomal binding site sequence. This ribosomal binding site sequence, as reported in ref. 4, expresses the wild-type LacI repressor to an average copy number of ∼260 per cell. As the free-energy differences resulting from point mutations in the DNA binding domain can be described solely by changes to
The induction profiles for these 4 mutants are shown in Fig. 4A. Of the mutations chosen, Q291R and Q291K appear to have the most significant impact, with Q291R abolishing the characteristic sigmoidal titration curve entirely. It is notable that both Q291R and Q291K have elevated expression in the absence of inducer compared to the other 2 mutants paired with the same operator sequence. Fig. 2A illustrates that if only
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Fig. 4.
Induction profiles and free-energy differences of inducer binding domain mutants. Open points represent the strain to which the parameters were fit—namely, the O2 operator sequence. Each column corresponds to the mutant highlighted at the top of the figure. All strains have
Using a single induction profile for each mutant (shown in Fig. 4 as open circles), we inferred the parameter combinations for both hypotheses and drew predictions for the induction profiles with other operator sequences. We found that the simplest hypothesis (in which only
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Table 1.
Inferred values of
Given the collection of fold-change measurements, we computed the
Taken together, these parametric changes diminish the response of the regulatory architecture as a whole to changing inducer concentrations. They furthermore reveal that the parameters which govern the allosteric response are interdependent, and no single parameter is insulated from the others. However, as only the allosteric parameters are changed, one can say that the allosteric parameters as a whole are insulated from the other components which define the regulatory response, such as repressor copy number and DNA binding affinity.
Predicting Effects of Pairwise Double Mutations.
Given full knowledge of each individual mutation, we can draw predictions of the behavior of the pairwise double mutants with no free parameters based on the simplest null hypothesis of no epistasis. The formalism of
To test this additive model, we constructed 9 double-mutant strains, each having a unique inducer binding (F161T, Q291V, and Q291K) and DNA binding mutation (Y17I, Q18A, and Q18M). To make predictions with an appropriate representation of the uncertainty, we computed a large array of induction profiles given random draws from the posterior distribution for the DNA binding energy (determined from the single DNA binding mutants) as well as from the joint posterior for the allosteric parameters (determined from the single inducer binding mutants). These predictions, shown in Fig. 5 as shaded blue curves, capture all experimental measurements of the fold change (Fig. 5A) and the inferred difference in free energy (Fig. 5B). The latter indicates that there are no epistatic interactions between the mutations queried in this work, although if there were, systematic deviations from these predictions would shed light on how the epistasis is manifest.
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Fig. 5.
Induction and free-energy profiles of DNA binding and inducer binding double mutants. (A) Fold change in gene expression for each double mutant as a function of IPTG. Points and errors correspond to the mean and SE of 6–10 biological replicates. Where not visible, error bars are smaller than the corresponding marker. Shaded regions correspond to the 95% credible region of the prediction given knowledge of the single mutants. These were generated by drawing
The precise agreement between the predictions and measurements for Q291K paired with either Q18A or Q18M is striking, as Q291K drastically changed
Allosteric regulation is often couched as "biological action at a distance." Despite extensive knowledge of protein structure and function, it remains difficult to translate the coordinates of the atomic constituents of a protein to the precise parameter values which define the functional response, making each mutant its own intellectual adventure. Bioinformatic approaches to understanding the sequence–structure relationship have permitted us to examine how the residues of allosteric proteins evolve, revealing conserved regions which hint to their function. Coevolving residues reveal sectors of conserved interactions which traverse the protein that act as the allosteric communication channel between domains (27⇓–29). Elucidating these sectors has advanced our understanding of how distinct domains "talk" to one another and has permitted direct engineering of allosteric responses into nonallosteric enzymes (30⇓–32). Even so, we are left without a quantitative understanding of how these admittedly complex networks set the energetic difference between active and inactive states or how a given mutation influences binding affinity. In this context, a biophysical model in which the various parameters are intimately connected to the molecular details can be of use and can lead to quantitative predictions of the interplay between amino acid identity and system-level response.
By considering how each parameter contributes to the observed change in free energy, we are able to tease out different classes of parameter perturbations which result in stereotyped responses to changing inducer concentration. These characteristic changes to the free energy can be used as a diagnostic tool to classify mutational effects. For example, we show in Fig. 2 that modulating the inducer binding constants
Another key observation is that a perturbation to only
Our formulation of
We note that the conclusions stated above can be qualitatively drawn without resorting to fitting various parameters and measuring the goodness of fit. Rather, the distinct behavior of
A hypothesis that arises from our formulation of
Ultimately, we present this work as a proof-of-principle for using biophysical models to investigate how mutations influence the response of allosteric systems. We emphasize that such a treatment allows one to boil down the complex phenotypic responses of these systems to a single-parameter description which is easily interpretable as a free energy. The general utility of this approach is illustrated in Fig. 6, where gene-expression data from previous work (4, 6, 10) along with all of the measurements presented in this work collapse onto the master curve defined by Eq. 3. While our model coarse grains many of the intricate details of transcriptional regulation into 2 states (1 in which the repressor is bound to the promoter and 1 where it is not), it is sufficient to describe a swath of regulatory scenarios. As discussed in SI Appendix, SI Text, any architecture in which the transcription-factor-bound and transcriptionally active states of the promoter can be separated into 2 distinct coarse-grained states can be subjected to such an analysis.
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Fig. 6.
Data collapse of the simple repression regulatory architecture. All data are means of biological replicates. Where present, error bars correspond to the SEM of 5–15 biological replicates. Red triangles indicate data from Garcia and Phillips (4) obtained by colorimetric assays. Blue squares are data from Brewster et al. (6) acquired from video microscopy. Green circles are data from Razo-Mejia et al. (10) obtained via flow cytometry. All other symbols correspond to the work presented here. An interactive version of this figure can be found on the paper website (, where the different datasets can be viewed in more detail (17).
Given enough parametric knowledge of the system, it becomes possible to examine how modifications to the parameters move the physiological response along this reduced 1-dimensional parameter space. This approach offers a glimpse at how mutational effects can be described in terms of energy rather than Hill coefficients and arbitrary prefactors. While we have explored a very small region of sequence space in this work, coupling of this approach with high-throughput sequencing-based methods to query a library of mutations within the protein will shed light on the phenotypic landscape centered at the wild-type sequence. Furthermore, pairing libraries of protein and operator sequence mutants will provide insight as to how the protein and regulatory sequence coevolve, a topic rich with opportunity for a dialogue between theory and experiment.
Materials and Methods
Bacterial Strains and DNA Constructs.
All wild-type strains from which the mutants were derived were generated in work from the Phillips group (4, 10). Briefly, mutations were first introduced into the lacI gene of our pZS3*1-lacI plasmid (4) by using a combination of overhang PCR Gibson assembly as well as QuikChange mutagenesis (Agilent Technologies). The oligonucleotide sequences used to generate each mutant as well as the method are provided in SI Appendix, SI Text.
For mutants generated through overhang PCR and Gibson assembly, oligonucleotide primers were purchased containing an overhang with the desired mutation and used to amplify the entire plasmid. By using the homology of the primer overhang, Gibson assembly was performed to circularize the DNA prior to electroporation into MG1655 E. coli cells. Integration of LacI mutants was performed with λ Red recombineering (33) as described in refs. 4 and 33.
The mutants studied in this work were chosen from data reported in ref. 5. In selecting mutations, we looked for mutants which suggested moderate to strong deviations from the behavior of the wild-type repressor. We note that the variant of LacI used in this work has an additional 3 amino acids (Met–Val–Asn) added to the N terminus than the canonical LacI sequence reported in ref. 34. To remain consistent with the field, we have identified the mutations with respect to their positions in the canonical sequence and those in ref. 5. However, their positions in the raw data files correspond to that of our LacI variant and are noted in the README files associated with the data.
Flow Cytometry.
All fold-change measurements were performed on a MACSQuant flow cytometer as described in Razo-Mejia et al. (10). Briefly, saturated overnight cultures 500 μL in volume were grown in deep-well 96-well plates covered with a breathable nylon cover (Laboratory Pak–Nitex Nylon, Sefar America, catalog no. 241205). After ∼12–15 h, the cultures reached saturation and were diluted 1,000-fold into a second 2-mL 96-deep-well plate where each well contained 500 μL of M9 minimal medium supplemented with 0.5% (wt/vol) glucose (anhydrous d-glucose, Macron Chemicals) and the appropriate concentration of IPTG (dioxane-free, Research Products International). These were sealed with a breathable cover and were allowed to grow for ∼8 h until the
The flow cytometer was calibrated prior to use with MACSQuant Calibration Beads (catalog no. 130-093-607). During measurement, the cultures were held at ∼4 °C by placing the 96-well plate on a MACSQuant ice block. All fluorescence measurements were made by using a 488-nm excitation wavelength with a 525/50-nm emission filter. The photomultiplier tube voltage settings for the instrument were the same as those used in ref. 10.
The data were processed by using an automatic unsupervised gating procedure based on fitting a 2D Gaussian function to the
Bayesian Parameter Estimation.
We used a Bayesian definition of probability in the statistical analysis of all mutants in this work. We direct the reader to SI Appendix, SI Text for a more detailed summary of the approach, outlining each statistical model in detail, as well as a variety of diagnostic tests. In short, we defined a Gaussian likelihood function for our parameter(s) of interest. Our prior choices varied depending on the parameter(s) of interest, and all choices were thoroughly tested, as is described in SI Appendix, SI Text. All statistical modeling and parameter inference was performed by using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). Specifically, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling was used as was implemented in the Stan probabilistic programming language (35). All statistical models were saved as .stan models and can be accessed at the GitHub repository associated with this work (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3366376) or can be downloaded directly from the paper website ( (17).
Inference of Free Energy From Fold-Change Data.
A more detailed summary and thorough analysis of the free-energy inference can be found in SI Appendix, SI Text. While the fold change in gene expression was restricted to be between 0 and 1, experimental noise can generate fold-change measurements beyond these bounds. To determine the free energy for a given set of fold-change measurements (for 1 unique strain at a single inducer concentration), we modeled the observed fold-change measurements as being drawn from a Gaussian distribution with a mean μ and SD σ and sampled the posterior distribution of these parameters using MCMC. For each MCMC sample of μ, the free energy was calculated by rearranging Eq. 3. Using simulated data, we determined that when
Data and Code Availability.
All data were collected, stored, and preserved by using the Git version control software. Code for data processing, analysis, and figure generation is available on the GitHub repository (; DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3366376) or can be accessed via the paper website ( (17). Raw flow cytometry data are stored on the CaltechDATA data repository and can be accessed via DOI 10.22002/D1.1241.
We thank Pamela Björkman, Rachel Galimidi, and Priyanthi Gnanapragasam for access and training for the use of the Miltenyi Biotec MACSQuant flow cytometer. The experimental efforts first took place at the Physiology summer course at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA, operated by the University of Chicago. We thank Ambika Nadkarni and Damian Dudka for their work on the project during the course. We also thank Suzannah Beeler, Justin Bois, Robert Brewster, Soichi Hirokawa, Michael Lässig, Heun Jin Lee, Muir Morrison, and Ned Wingreen for thoughtful advice and discussion. This work was supported by La Fondation Pierre-Gilles de Gennes; the Rosen Center at Caltech; and NIH Grants DP1 OD0002179 (Director's Pioneer Award), R01 GM085286, and 1R35 GM118043 Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA). N.M.B. was supported by a Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Student Research fellowship.
Author contributions: G.C., M.R.-M., N.M.B., T.E., Z.A.K., S.L.B., M.L., and R.P. designed research; G.C., M.R.-M., N.M.B., T.E., Z.A.K., and S.L.B. performed research; G.C., M.R.-M., and N.M.B. analyzed data; M.L. and R.P. provided critical feedback and guidance; and G.C. and R.P. wrote the paper.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. N.S.W. is a guest editor invited by the Editorial Board.
Data deposition: Raw-flow cytometry files can be found on the CaltechDATA research data repository, (DOI: 10.22002/D1.1241). Processed data files and computer code used to perform all steps of the analysis are available on the project GitHub repository ( and are registered with Zenodo, (DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3366376). All files, along with instructions on how to generate each figure, are available on the paper webpage, accessible through
This article contains supporting information online at
- Copyright © 2019 the Author(s). Published by PNAS.
In This Drawing Of The Lac Operon, Which Molecule Is An Inactive Repressor?
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